Celebrities who are 6'0

Steve Coulter

Height: 6’ 0” / 183cm
Birth name: Steve Coulter
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Steve Coulter is a team owner in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. His team, Xpress Motorsports, won the Truck Series championship in 2002 and 2003, with Mike Bliss and Travis Kvapil, respectively. He has also fielded cars in the Busch Series and part-time in the Winston Cup Series. He sold Xpress Motorsports to Dave Fuge in 2005.Wikipedia

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Stuart Milligan

Height: 6’ 0” / 183cm
Birth name: Stuart Milligan
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Stuart Milligan is an American actor based primarily in the United Kingdom, best known for his recurring role (1998–2010) as Adam Klaus in Jonathan Creek.Wikipedia

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Tanc Sade

Height: 6’ 0” / 183cm
Birth name: Tanc Sade
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Tanc Sade is an Australian actor, writer and director. Sade worked in several theater productions in Australia before landing a recurring role on Gilmore Girls in 2005.Wikipedia

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Tyler Barnhardt

Height: 6’ 0” / 183cm
Birth name: Tyler Barnhardt
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Tyler Davis Barnhardt is an American actor. He is known for his roles as Matthew Roe in the American period drama television series Underground and Charlie St. George in the American teen drama streaming television series 13 Reasons Why. Barnhardt had a supporting role in the 2022 American comedy film Senior Year.Wikipedia

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Vladimir Furdik

Height: 5’ 11 ½” / 182cm
Birth name: Vladimir Furdik
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Vladimir Furdik is a Slovak stunt performer and actor. He played the role of the Night King on the television series Game of Thrones from 2016 to 2019.Wikipedia

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William Haines

Height: 6’ 0” / 183cm
Birth name: William Haines
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Charles William Haines was an American actor and interior designer.Wikipedia

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