Barry Morse Height

5’ 9 ½” / 69.7 inches / 177cm
Barry Morse Height Barry Morse Height

Herbert Morse, known professionally as Barry Morse, was a British-Canadian actor of stage, screen, and radio, best known for his roles in the ABC television series The Fugitive and the British sci-fi drama Space: 1999. His performing career spanned seven decades and he had thousands of roles to his credit, including work for the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.Wikipedia

Height by source

This is how his height is listed on the internet.
Editor's Opinion 177cm / 5’10”
Votes(0) 177cm / 5’10”

Your vote for Barry Morse barefoot height

What do you think of his real height?
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”
6’ 0 ¾”
6’ 1”
6’ 1 ½”
6’ 2”
6’ 2 ¼”
6’ 2 ¾”
6’ 3”
6’ 3 ½”
6’ 3 ¾”
6’ 4 ¼”
6’ 4 ¾”

Your vote for Barry Morse visible height

Whatever it is: heels, haircut, proportions... What is your impression of his height?
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”
6’ 0 ¾”
6’ 1”
6’ 1 ½”
6’ 2”
6’ 2 ¼”
6’ 2 ¾”
6’ 3”
6’ 3 ½”
6’ 3 ¾”
6’ 4 ¼”
6’ 4 ¾”