David Miscavige Height

5’ 2 ¾” / 63.0 inches / 160cm
David Miscavige Height David Miscavige Height

David Miscavige is the second and current leader of the Church of Scientology. His official title within the organization is Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center (RTC), a corporation that controls the trademarks and copyrights of Dianetics and Scientology. He is also referred to within the Scientology organization as "DM", "C.O.B." or "Captain of the Sea Org".Wikipedia

Height by source

This is how his height is listed on the internet.
Editor's Opinion 160cm / 5’3”
Votes(0) 160cm / 5’3”

Your vote for David Miscavige barefoot height

What do you think of his real height?
4’ 8 ¼”
4’ 8 ½”
4’ 9”
4’ 9 ¼”
4’ 9 ¾”
4’ 10 ¼”
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”

Your vote for David Miscavige visible height

Whatever it is: heels, haircut, proportions... What is your impression of his height?
4’ 8 ¼”
4’ 8 ½”
4’ 9”
4’ 9 ¼”
4’ 9 ¾”
4’ 10 ¼”
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”