Lars Ulrich Height

5’ 5 ¼” / 65.4 inches / 166cm
Lars Ulrich Height Lars Ulrich Height

Lars Ulrich is a Danish musician best known as the drummer and co-founder of American heavy metal band Metallica. The son and grandson respectively of tennis players Torben and Einer Ulrich, he played tennis in his youth and moved to Los Angeles at age 16 to train professionally. However, rather than playing tennis, Ulrich began playing drums. After publishing an advertisement in The Recycler, Ulrich met James Hetfield and formed Metallica. Along with Hetfield, Ulrich has songwriting credits on almost all of the band's songs, and the two of them are the only remaining original members of the band.Wikipedia

Height by source

This is how his height is listed on the internet.
Editor's Opinion 166cm / 5’5”
Votes(0) 166cm / 5’5”

Your vote for Lars Ulrich barefoot height

What do you think of his real height?
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”

Your vote for Lars Ulrich visible height

Whatever it is: heels, haircut, proportions... What is your impression of his height?
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”