Michel Piccoli Height

5’ 11 ½” / 71.7 inches / 182cm
Michel Piccoli Height Michel Piccoli Height

Jacques Daniel Michel Piccoli was a French actor, producer and film director with a career spanning 70 years. He was lauded as one of the greatest French character actors of his generation who played a wide variety of roles and worked with many acclaimed directors, being awarded with a Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival and a Silver Bear for Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival.Wikipedia

Height by source

This is how his height is listed on the internet.
Editor's Opinion 182cm / 6’0”
Votes(0) 182cm / 6’0”

Your vote for Michel Piccoli barefoot height

What do you think of his real height?
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”
6’ 0 ¾”
6’ 1”
6’ 1 ½”
6’ 2”
6’ 2 ¼”
6’ 2 ¾”
6’ 3”
6’ 3 ½”
6’ 3 ¾”
6’ 4 ¼”
6’ 4 ¾”
6’ 5”
6’ 5 ½”
6’ 5 ¾”
6’ 6 ¼”
6’ 6 ½”

Your vote for Michel Piccoli visible height

Whatever it is: heels, haircut, proportions... What is your impression of his height?
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
5’ 10 ¼”
5’ 10 ¾”
5’ 11 ¼”
5’ 11 ½”
6’ 0”
6’ 0 ¼”
6’ 0 ¾”
6’ 1”
6’ 1 ½”
6’ 2”
6’ 2 ¼”
6’ 2 ¾”
6’ 3”
6’ 3 ½”
6’ 3 ¾”
6’ 4 ¼”
6’ 4 ¾”
6’ 5”
6’ 5 ½”
6’ 5 ¾”
6’ 6 ¼”
6’ 6 ½”