Peter Lorre Height
5’ 2 ¾” / 63.0 inches / 160cm

Peter Lorre was a Hungarian and American actor, first in Europe and later in the United States. He began his stage career in Vienna, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, before moving to Germany where he worked first on the stage, then in film in Berlin in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Lorre caused an international sensation in the Weimar Republic-era film M (1931), directed by Fritz Lang, in which he portrayed a serial killer who preys on little girls.Wikipedia
Height by source
This is how his height is listed on the internet.
Editor's Opinion 160cm / 5’3”
Votes(0) 160cm / 5’3”
Your vote for Peter Lorre barefoot height
What do you think of his real height?
4’ 8 ¼”
4’ 8 ½”
4’ 9”
4’ 9 ¼”
4’ 9 ¾”
4’ 10 ¼”
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”
Your vote for Peter Lorre visible height
Whatever it is: heels, haircut, proportions... What is your impression of his height?
4’ 8 ¼”
4’ 8 ½”
4’ 9”
4’ 9 ¼”
4’ 9 ¾”
4’ 10 ¼”
4’ 10 ½”
4’ 11”
4’ 11 ¼”
4’ 11 ¾”
5’ 0”
5’ 0 ½”
5’ 1”
5’ 1 ¼”
5’ 1 ¾”
5’ 2”
5’ 2 ½”
5’ 2 ¾”
5’ 3 ¼”
5’ 3 ¾”
5’ 4”
5’ 4 ½”
5’ 4 ¾”
5’ 5 ¼”
5’ 5 ½”
5’ 6”
5’ 6 ½”
5’ 6 ¾”
5’ 7 ¼”
5’ 7 ½”
5’ 8”
5’ 8 ½”
5’ 8 ¾”
5’ 9 ¼”
5’ 9 ½”
5’ 10”